Stitching with friends…

It’s an age-old tradition, but it still works!  There are few things more enjoyable that getting together with other quilters (or embroiderers, or garment makers, etc.) to practice our craft while discussing everything from our philosophy of life to mitered corners to skipping salad in favor of the dessert.  Honestly — I have the BEST job in the whole world.  If you haven’t been to the Seldom Seen Quilting Studio, you need to come.  Located in the mezzanine at My Father’s House Antiques in downtown Waxahachie.  I’ll see you there.


“Working” at Seldom Seen Quilting Studio is pure indulgence — which is something I’ve never been really good at doing for myself!  I feel like I’m playing hooky from real life, while I sit stitching, designing, visiting with other quilters, and embroidering.  And writing — writing is my other passion, and it’s what got me hooked on quilting in the first place!  What a life!

A new outlook…

It struck me as I drove to the studio this morning, planning out my day, what a vastly different process that is than it has been for the last more-years-than-I-would-ever-admit.  Instead of thinking through the difficult conversations I would have, the boring meetings on the schedule, the looming deadlines… I was planning which colors of embroidery thread to use on a block for a wedding quilt!